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How Much Do Cleaning Services Charge in Prague? A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the world of cleaning services can be challenging, especially in a culturally rich city like Prague. Whether you are moving into a new apartment, preparing for a special event, or simply looking to maintain cleanliness in your home, understanding the costs associated with hiring a cleaning service is crucial. This guide explores how much cleaning services charge in Prague, providing you with valuable insights to help you make an informed decision and perhaps even leading you to trusted services like

Understanding Cleaning Service Costs in Prague

1. Understanding the Average Costs

When it comes to hiring cleaning services in Prague, prices can vary greatly depending on several factors. On average, you can expect to pay between 1,000 CZK and 2,500 CZK (approximately $45 to $110) for standard cleaning services, which typically cover basic cleaning tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. However, more specialized services can increase this price significantly.

Specific Cleaning Types and Their Costs

  • Standard Cleaning: Around 1,000 CZK – 2,000 CZK for a one-time deep clean of a standard-sized apartment.
  • Deep Cleaning: Priced around 2,000 CZK – 3,500 CZK, this involves a more thorough cleaning, paying attention to often neglected areas.
  • Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning: Generally costs between 2,500 CZK and 4,500 CZK because it requires extra effort to clean all corners and ensure the place is welcoming.
  • Post-Construction Cleaning: Tends to be more expensive due to the heavy lifting and debris removal, ranging from 3,000 CZK up to 7,000 CZK depending on the size of the project.
  • Commercial Cleaning: Prices vary, typically starting at 15 CZK per square meter.

2. Factors Influencing Cleaning Prices in Prague

Several key factors can impact the total cost of hiring a cleaning service:

  • Size of the Property: Larger homes naturally require more time and effort to clean.
  • Type of Cleaning Service: Specialized services (like windows, carpets, or upholstery cleaning) come at a premium.
  • Frequency of Service: Regular cleaning appointments typically cost less per visit compared to one-off services.
  • Location: Cleaning services located in popular districts or upscale neighborhoods may charge higher rates.

3. Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Find the Right Cleaning Service in Prague?

To find a reliable cleaning service, look for recommendations from friends and family, read online reviews, and check local directories. Websites like are invaluable resources, showcasing verified services with customer ratings, ensuring you choose a reputable provider.

Are There Any Hidden Fees?

Most reputable cleaning companies are transparent about their pricing. However, be sure to ask about additional fees for specialized services or equipment. This is crucial to avoid any financial surprises post-clean.

Do I Have to Provide Cleaning Supplies?

Most cleaning services come equipped with their cleaning supplies. If you have specific preferences for products (like eco-friendly brands), communicate with the service beforehand.

What should I do to prepare for a cleaning service?

To ensure a smooth cleaning process, tidy up your belongings and remove any items that you do not want the cleaners to handle. This allows them to focus on cleaning rather than organizing, making the most out of your time.

4. Tips to Save on Cleaning Services

  • Choose Regular Cleaning: Committing to regular services can lower your overall cost per visit.
  • Combine Services: If you need more than one type of cleaning, ask if the service offers package deals that can give you better pricing.
  • Keep an Eye on Promotions: Many cleaning services offer discounts during the off-peak seasons or promotional rates for first-time customers.

5. The Importance of Quality Cleaning Services

Investing in high-quality cleaning services brings about a myriad of benefits. Not only does it save you time, but it also guarantees a professional finish that might be tough to achieve on your own. Moreover, consistent cleaning helps maintain a healthy living environment, minimizing allergens, dust, and other potential health hazards.


Understanding the costs of cleaning services in Prague is essential for anyone looking to maintain the cleanliness and comfort of their home or office. With a range of pricing influenced by various factors, it's vital to do your research to find the best value for your needs. Remember to consider services like, which can provide reliable options tailored for your requirements. The investment in professional cleaning not only enhances your environment but also allows you to focus on what truly matters in your fast-paced life.

By being informed and proactive, you can ensure that you select a service that offers not only affordability but also excellence, resulting in a clean and inviting space that you can be proud of.

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