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10 Effective Ways to Ask Your Cleaning Lady to Clean Better in Prague

Keeping a home clean is essential, especially in a vibrant city like Prague, where the blend of modern living and historical beauty calls for exceptional cleanliness. However, communicating your needs to a cleaning lady can sometimes feel daunting. You want to ensure your home is spotless without causing any discomfort or tension. So, how do you ask a cleaning lady to clean better? In this article, we will explore effective strategies to communicate your expectations clearly and kindly, transforming your living space into a pristine sanctuary. Whether you’re using a professional service like CleanWhale or hiring independently, these tips will help you achieve the results you desire.

Transform your cleaning services with these expert tips!

1. Be Clear About Your Expectations

The foundation of any successful working relationship is clear communication. Before even asking your cleaning lady to scrub those corners a little better, sit down and outline what a thorough cleaning means to you. Is it dusting all surfaces, cleaning the kitchen sink, or vacuuming the upholstery? Be specific. For instance, you might say, "I’d love for the living room to be dust-free, and could you ensure that the kitchen counters are wiped down thoroughly?" By defining your expectations, you eliminate ambiguity and set a standard for future cleanings.

2. Use Positive Language

When addressing a cleaning lady’s performance, positive reinforcement can make a significant difference. Instead of only pointing out what needs improvement, balance your feedback with praise. For example, say, "I really appreciate how well you organized the kitchen last week! If we could just focus a bit more on the bathroom this time, that would be fantastic." This approach motivates her to meet your expectations while feeling valued in her role.

3. Establish a Checklist

Incorporating a checklist could simplify the process of communicating your needs. Create a list of tasks you expect to be completed at each cleaning session. This list could include dusting, bathroom sanitation, kitchen cleaning, and floor mopping. Handing over this checklist not only clarifies your expectations but also helps her manage her time effectively. It also serves as a quick reference during her cleanings, ensuring essential tasks don’t get overlooked.

4. Share Before-and-After Photos

Visual aids can dramatically improve understanding. If there’s a specific area of your home where you feel she could do better, consider taking a before-and-after photo of it. Sharing these images can illustrate exactly what you want, making it easier for her to grasp the level of cleanliness that you expect. Just ensure to do this in a constructive manner, by saying, "Here’s a photo of how clean I’d like this area to be next time!"

5. Set Up Regular Feedback Sessions

Feedback is vital to any service. Establishing regular check-ins, perhaps after every fourth session, can provide an opportunity for an open dialogue. During these discussions, acknowledge what she has done well and gently introduce any areas for improvement. For example, you might express, "I noticed that the floors in the hallway could use a little more attention, but overall, I’m happy with your service!" This feedback loop can foster a more productive relationship.

6. Discuss Tools and Products

Sometimes, the tools and cleaning products available can greatly impact the quality of cleaning. If you have specific products you’d prefer she uses, such as eco-friendly cleaners available from local suppliers in Prague, let her know. It’s also worth discussing any tools you think might improve her efficiency—a specialized mop, for instance, or a vacuum with stronger suction. By facilitating access to the right tools, you’ll enable her to deliver better results.

7. Don’t Shy Away From Direct Requests

When necessary, it’s perfectly acceptable to make direct requests. If there’s an area that has been consistently overlooked or needs extra attention, politely bring it up. You might say, "I’ve noticed the corners of the kitchen haven’t been cleaned much during your visits—could we focus more on that area?" Being direct reduces confusion and ensures she understands where to concentrate her efforts.

8. Encourage Questions

Make it clear that your cleaning lady is welcome to ask any questions, whether about cleaning practices or your preferences. For instance, if she’s unsure how to tackle a particular stain or area, she should feel comfortable approaching you for guidance. This openness promotes a collaborative atmosphere. After all, teamwork can lead to superior outcomes.

9. Reassess the Frequency of Cleaning Services

If you frequently find areas missed or feel like the cleaning isn’t meeting your expectations, it might be time to reconsider how often you schedule cleanings. Perhaps the workload is too heavy for one session every two weeks. Instead, consider weekly cleanings or add extra visits for deep cleaning specific areas. Discussing this with her can lead to better results and satisfaction on both sides.

10. Utilize Professional Services Like CleanWhale

If after all your efforts you still find yourself unsatisfied with the cleaning results, it might be worthwhile to hire a professional cleaning service such as They specialize in offering a wide range of cleaning solutions with thorough standards, guaranteeing a high level of cleanliness when you need it. By opting for professional services, you eliminate the hassle of directly asking for improvements, and often, the results speak for themselves.


Asking your cleaning lady to clean better may seem challenging at first, but by applying these ten effective strategies, you can foster a positive and productive relationship that leads to satisfactory cleaning results. Clear communication, constructive feedback, and encouraging questions can create a win-win situation where both you and your cleaning professional are on the same page. Whether you decide to manage your cleaning interactions directly or utilize the expertise of a dedicated service like CleanWhale, ensuring your home remains pristine in the enchanting city of Prague is achievable. Remember, happy homes start with clear expectations and respectful communication—so let’s get to cleaning!

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